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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    These 42 Products Are So Good At What They Do, You’ll Swear They Were Gifted To You By Your Fairy Godmother

    Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, these products were picked out just for you.

    1. A pack of four cactus-shaped dryer balls to help make sure your clothes and bedsheets dry evenly and completely. Plus, they're reusable and just so darn cute!

    Promising review: "These are the only dryer balls I've found that actually made me not need fabric softener sheets. It cuts down on static, and I don't find pet fur clinging to my clothes when I pull them out of the dryer." —Tianhui Fan

    Get them from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in six styles and larger pack sizes).

    2. A water-based instant carpet spot remover because it'll erase life's little messes in the blink of an eye. Those stubborn wine, pet, coffee, food, and dirt stains will be a thing of the past!

    side by side reviewer before and after images of heavily stained beige carpet becoming stain-free and clean
    before reviewer image of green marker marks on a beige carpet
    after reviewer image with the beige carpet completely clean

    Promising review: "The only reason I'm giving the Folex 5 stars is because there's no place to give it 10. My dog, Sweetie, while playing on the tan carpeting in the family room, got hold of a blue Pilot G2 pen and chewed through the outer casing and the ink cartridge, leaving an approximately 6-inch by 12-inch area of carpeting splotched with blue ink. It took four or five applications, but following the label instructions to the letter, the spot was totally removed. Way to go, Folex. Outstanding!" —Bob

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    3. A magical mascara remover since it'll remove that stubborn (but admittedly long-lasting) waterproof mascara. It applies a liquid that melts away makeup while nourishing skin with camellia oil, almond oil, argan oil, and wild rose oil.

    And BuzzFeed writer Melanie Aman is in love with this thing:

    "This stuff is MAGICAL. I have stick-straight Asian lashes that refuse to hold a curl with wetter mascara formulas. As a result, I have to use waterproof mascara, which is a total pain to remove at night. Instead of rubbing my eyes raw with makeup removers that burn, I apply this like mascara, let it sit for a few minutes, and my waterproof mascara MELTS. Then I go in with a micellar water–soaked cotton pad, and my mascara is gone in 1–2 passes."

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. It definitely does the trick, and it’s super portable." —Mbae

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    4. An airplane window organization station for storing your beverages, phone, and other travel essentials. By moving things over to the window, you can use your tray for eating or, more importantly, napping.

    Promising review: "This little gadget made window seat life so much more roomie! I’m a plus-size girlie and I normally book Economy, so anything that will give me extra leg room on a flight I’m a sucker for!

    It works just like the directions say and is so light that I almost forget it’s in my bag. It’s also stronger and more stable than it looks, it held my phone, ear buds, and two cups easily. The glasses holder was so convenient when I was ready to take a nap and didn’t have to worry about forgetting anything in the seat pocket." —ashley-britt

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    5. A weed puller with a long handle so you don't have to bend down to fight a weed's tough roots with your bare hands. Get your spring garden in tip-top shape!

    GIF of someone pulling a weed out of the ground with the weeder
    image of reviewer holding up the weeder with a huge weed in it

    Grampa's Gardenware Co. is a family-owned small business that makes products that make the gardening, weeding, or harvesting of your land a little easier.

    Promising review: "Oh my god, I friggin' love this tool. I bought this on a whim, given my husband, and I bought our first house and knew nothing about caring for a yard, and boy, has it come in handy. Our new house had a ton of weeds in the front yard, and this tool helped me get most of them out in no time. In fact, the process of yanking out the weed was strangely satisfying! I don't think anyone can say that weeding is fun, but this tool made it as close to fun as you can get" —JG 

    Get it from Grampa's Gardenware Co. on Amazon for $44.99.

    6. A set of silicone Kegel weights because pelvic floor exercises could help you better control your bladder and have more pleasurable sex.

    Reviewer holding one of the weights, which is similar in size to a tampon
    Hand holding various colors and sizes of kegel weights

    Read more about kegel exercises at Cleveland Clinic.

    Promising review: "Since starting, my bladder control has significantly improved. I am now able to sneeze or cough without peeing myself. Yes, that's right. I am able to hold my pee longer, which means I can actually make it to the bathroom without dribbling on myself. The best part is that just a few short weeks into the program you will have results you can feel. I think every woman who has ever had kids should try this out. The overall quality of my life has improved. Ditch your panty liners, stop the embarrassing dribbles, and no more mad dashes to the restroom because of a weak bladder. Even my sex life has improved; I have control of those pelvic muscles now. Just remember to wash the weights before and after each use with an antibacterial spray, and allow time to air dry before putting them away. I say air dry because if you wipe them dry with a cloth you run the risk of giving yourself a bladder infection or urinary tract infection, and those are no laughing matter. Easy to use, easy to clean, stores away quickly." —Lady Tauber

    Get a set of six weights from Amazon for $49.99 (also available in a two-pack option).

    7. A non-greasy CeraVe under-eye cream — this contains hyaluronic acid and niacinamide to help hydrate and soothe skin. If stress has been keeping you up at night and resulting in puffiness, this may just leave you with brighter and less swollen under-eyes.

    Close-up of a person's under eye, showing crow's feet and dry skin
    after image of the same person's under eye which is now wrinkle-free and moisturized

    Promising review: "This has truly been a savior for my under-eye concerns. It works wonders on dark circles and puffiness, leaving my delicate eye area feeling nourished and rejuvenated. The gentle formula doesn't irritate, and I've noticed a significant improvement in the overall texture and appearance of my skin. A must-have in my skincare routine!" —Veronica Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $11.50.

    8. ceiling fan carbon air filter to catch dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke. These self-adhesive filters are made from coconut shells whose lightweight structure traps particles and contaminants. Turn your ceiling fan into an air purifier!

    The black carbon filter attached to the blade of a ceiling fan
    Person holding three used carbon filters covered in dust

    Promising review: "I wasn't sure what to expect when purchasing these, but now they are a staple in every room of our house. Within three days the air smelled more crisp and was easier to breathe in our home. So simple and effective!" —Haylee Marez

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $19.99.

    9. A L'Oreal natural glow enhancer infused with glycerin and shea butter for an illuminating tint and a sun-kissed glow that lasts all day long. Go get your shine on!

    a Black reviewer wearing the medium lotion
    image of reviewer wearing the deep lotion

    Promising review: "This is the product to buy instead of the more expensive brand (the well-known one with the tipsy animal name lol). The color is beautiful. It's just as good as the $$$ brand." —ANDREA BALKIEWICZ

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in five shades).

    10. A pair of eyeshadow color removal sponges that cleans your makeup brushes without water so you can go from applying a neon pink eyeshadow to a bright white eyeshadow without breaking out the makeup brush shampoo OR having to dirty another brush.

    gif showing an eyeshadow brush leaving pigment on an arm, then cleaned in the sponge for a few seconds, then wiped again on the arm showing no makeup is left on it
    product photo of an eyeshadow brush being dipped into the container

    Fellow BuzzFeed writer Jenae Sitzes is a fan of these sponges:

    "I picked up this color removal sponge from Amazon after hearing about this hack on TikTok and can testify that it actually works SO well. I'm *so* bad about cleaning my brushes (I know...shameful), and this makes it super easy to clean a brush in a matter of seconds. So, even if I'm trying to do a *slightly* more elaborate eyeshadow look for the day, this makes the process of switching colors as quick and painless as possible. Also, it's *super* lightweight, and I've already tossed it in my bag and brought it on vacation with me. This is one of those products I won't be traveling without in the future if I plan on doing eyeshadow at any point — and it means you only need to pack one or two eyeshadow brushes!"

    Promising review: "This product makes it even easier for me to be lazy when it comes to cleaning my brushes. It also allows me to use the same brush for a makeup look since I can swish away a previous shadow and move on to the next. Great buy. Super easy to wash." —Azaleah Bumpus-Barnett

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99.

    11. An electric nail grinder because you've been pretending their claws aren't hurting you or your furniture. It features super quiet technology, so the sound and vibration of the trimmer don't stress your pet out. It has two speeds and three grinding ports to support your needs.

    reviewer's pic of dogs manicured nails
    Before and after comparison of a dog's paw showing long nails and then neatly trimmed nails

    Promising review: "It's getting harder to take our senior girl out for a spa day, so I ordered these to try our hands at trimming her nails at home. While she didn't love it, she did tolerate it, and it saved her the stress of going to either the vet or a groomer. They were fairly quiet, worked well, and were easy to use. They were a great value as by the second use they will have paid for themselves." —Renee

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in six colors).

    12. A mattifying dry shampoo powder whose benzene-free formula is designed to absorb excess sweat, oil, and dirt without leaving behind a white cast. Refresh your hair with this voluminizing powder!

    image of reviewer with burgundy curly hair
    before image of reviewer with frizzy, dirty hair
    after image of reviewer with clean and smooth hair

    Promising review: "I didn't think it would work well...but holy COW. It looks like I just washed and styled my hair. And I DIDN'T. It brought my curls (I curled my hair two days ago as well) back to life. Gave my hair body and a healthy glow. NOT GREASY. No matting. I love the applicator as just dab it on your roots. It leaves a little white powder so you can see where you've applied it. But then you just run your fingers through your hair plumping it up a little, and no more white. Just beautiful clean voluminous hair." —Jamie

    Get it from Amazon for $18.

    13. A pack of cold sore healing patches containing hydrocolloids to help your skin heal faster. These discreet patches create a moist environment that could help relieve pain, reduce blistering, and prevent scabbing.

    Promising review: "I wish I had found these sooner!! These cold sores were probably the worst I’ve had and wouldn’t clear up or stop itching/hurting. I googled cold sore remedies, and these happened to pop up. After reading the reviews, I immediately ordered them. They came right on time, and I put them on before bed last night. It’s been less than 36 hours and already these cold sores are healing up beautifully. I plan to order another pack or three, so I can keep one at home, one in my purse, and one in my locker at work so if I ever feel the warning tingle/itching of a new breakout, I can slap one of these bad boys on and get rid of it quickly! Highly recommend for my fellow cold sore sufferers." —Jessica Hill

    Get a pack of 15 from Amazon for $13.98+ (also available in a pack of 30).

    14. A pack of K-Cup cleaners if you haven't cleaned your machine in awhile and your coffee hasn't been tasting quite like coffee lately. Pop one of these nontoxic cups into your Keurig to give it the deep clean it's been needing.

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old, and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, luckily. I would highly recommend. Keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $9.95.

    15. A washing machine cleaning gel that you just let sit in the washing machine gasket for a few hours and then wipe away. (The mold that's been growing inside your washing machine is close to gaining sentience.) So go ahead and add your washing machine to your spring cleaning to-do list.

    before photo of black staining on a reviewer's washing machine gasket
    after photo of the same washing machine and all the mold is gone from the gasket

    Promising review: "Very satisfied. I tried everything to remove the black mold with no success. This product actually worked to remove the black mold. I applied the gel to the mold and left it to sit overnight. I was amazed the mold wiped off with a rag." —Robin S. Johns

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    16. daily facial spray for helping calm and relieve hot, sunburned skin. Designed with sensitive skin in mind, this pH-balanced toner can be used any time of day and can even be used over makeup!

    Model before and after using spray; Spray eliminated red, splotchy skin and gave an even skin tone

    Tower 28 is an LA-based, Asian woman-owned small business creating nontoxic, vegan, and cruelty-free beauty products for all skin types. 

    Promising review: "This product is so amazing for when your skin feels like it’s burning or it’s irritated. It has such a calming factor to it, and I really like the 'saltwater' scent." —kealsc

    Get it from Tower 28 on Amazon for $12+ (available in two sizes) or Sephora for $12+ (available in three sizes).

    17. And a Burt's Bees sunburn relief lotion formulated with coconut, aloe, and antioxidants to help soothe and hydrate your skin post sun exposure.

    Promising review: "I’m happy to say this product works! I purchased this product due to my inability to provide my skin with appropriate sun protection one day this summer. I proceeded to spend a night wishing that I could safely freeze myself into an ice cube. Midnight discomfort led me to this product. The initial use was a day or two after the day of regret, but it eased the discomfort and moisturized my reddened skin, helping to soften the leather layer I had started to form. Of course, this review would not be complete without me faulting myself a second time. Two times in one summer, I proved my inability to adult well. I applied this lotion the MINUTE I realized that I had experienced another exposure to the sun for too long a period. To my absolute joy, this product relieved my discomfort. It left a layer that stayed cool for a few hours (at which time I reapplied it), it was a little tacky to the touch (not sticky or oily), and my skin did not experience the crocodile and subsequent peeling experience it had earlier in the season. The scent is soft and not overpowering. I have experienced skin sensitivity in the past to products, but I had no issues with Burt’s Bees products. Thank you for providing me with such a helpful product." —Meghan 

    Get it from Amazon for $13.02.

    18. A pet hair remover so you'll be able to reclaim your couch from the mob of fur that's been plaguing your home this shedding season. And because it doesn't use disposable adhesive strips, you can use this thing over and over and over and over and...

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "I have a long-haired cat, and when spring hits, there is a ton of hair left on my rug and couch for a couple of months. I tried sticky strips, but they did not do a great job. I ordered this tool and was blown away by how great it worked. It not only picked up the hair and stored it, but it also kept on working until all the hair was gone off my couch. I love it, and I am very pleased with [how easy it is] to clean it up and throw the hair away. I give this a 5-star rating." —gcommon

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in two colors).

    19. A bottle of professional-grade callus-removing gel that can remove years' worth of calluses quickly and easily. Just presoak your feet, apply the gel, let it do its magic, and rinse!

    before photo of a reviewer's cracked heel next to an after photo of the same heel with much of the dead skin removed to reveal softer, pinker heels
    Hand holding a bottle of Lee Callus Remover

    Promising review: "Best foot callus remover I have ever used! I read a lot of the reviews before purchasing this product. Most callus removers I have purchased in the past were not very effective. So, I was encouraged by the reviews. I saw that a lot of reviewers mentioned being very careful not to leave it on longer than three or four minutes. My feet were the softest they had ever been. Love love love." —Cheri whisker

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    20. An eight-second L'Oréal lamellar rinse-out treatment for shinier, healthier, and silkier hair in, well, eight seconds. No need to wait 10 long minutes to rinse your hair out. This treatment targets damaged areas to help give you smooth and shiny hair that's easier to style.

    A Black reviewer with defined coily hair
    another reviewer with long, dark, shiny hair with no frizz or breakage

    Use this two to three times per week after shampooing your hair, and remember not to use it on your scalp. This treatment is just for the length of your hair.

    Promising review: "I don’t usually do reviews on products, but for this one I absolutely have to. I have 3c-type hair and struggle with a lot a breakage, unmanageability, and moisture. When my mom mentioned this product to me I didn’t take her seriously because of the simple fact that we have two completely different hair textures. I never would've thought this brand would work on my hair. I have always used ethnic hair products and stayed away from brands such as this one. I have never in my 22 years felt my hair like this. I feel like I have a completely different head of hair. This product is so amazing and I will FOREVER be using this product in my hair regimen. Thank you so much!! ♥️" —Theressa Hailey

    Get it from Amazon for $10.97.

    21. An anti-bacterial butt acne–clearing lotion made with tea tree oil to help prevent breakouts. You may truly have a bottom as smooth as, well, a baby's bottom.

    a reviewer photo of their skin with many blemishes
    a photo of the same reviewer with their skin now clean

    Promising review: "I’ve used this product for about two months now. I try to remember to apply at least twice a day. Not only is the skin clearer, but the overall texture is much smoother and softer. I highly recommend giving this lotion a try." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    22. A durable and super-accurate digital luggage scale since you bought a lot of new clothes on your journeys and you need to make sure your suitcase doesn't exceed your airline's weight maximum. 

    You can also switch between pound and kilogram measurements. 

    Promising reviews: "I cannot imagine how we would have managed a big international trip without this. It saved us so much stress and, I'm sure, surprise charges at the airport." —Potter Freak

    "This scale works and was accurate on four flights. First flight was a test at 46 pounds, and Delta scales said it was 46 pounds. The next two flights were at 49 pounds, and both United and Delta found it to be 49 pounds. The bag on the fourth flight weighed 49, but the United scale found it to be 48 pounds. Four different airports and scales proved that this scale is a good, low-cost, must-have item for air travel." —Robert

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in four colors and a two-pack).

    23. A sand-removal powder bag because you love the beach, in theory, but in practice? You hate getting sand all over your body. This talc-free and reef-friendly bag easily removes sand and leaves you feeling clean.

    Comparison of a foot covered in sand before and after using a sand-removing product

    Shakalo is a small business based in San Diego.

    Promising review: "We recently moved to a beach area, and we are constantly there. This item has changed our entire lives! It lasts decently long (depending on how much you use it), it smells super good (not at all like baby powder), and it's super effective. It has saved me from vacuuming my car at least 1–2 times a week. And I even use it on my dogs paws and bellies to make sure they're taken care of too. I will definitely be buying the refill and another baggie to have exclusively in the car." —Gabbs Uresti

    Get it from Shakalo on Amazon for $24.99.

    24. A Revlon hot air brush for drying, styling, AND adding volume to your hair in one fell swoop! With this oval brush, you can say goodbye to tangles and frizz.

    image of reviewer with wet, wavy hair
    image of the same reviewer with dry, straight hair

    Have coilier hair? This paddle brush might work better for you!

    Promising review: "I have a headful of thick, wavy, shoulder-length hair. I sometimes wear it curly, but when I want it smooth, this tool is a huge time saver. I used to have to section my hair and spend a half hour or more flat ironing it. I still section it a little, but I can go from a big mop of mess to a sleek flip in very little time. I just spritz my hair and go to work. I have arthritis, and it is a big bonus that the handle is big, so I don't have to use a pinch grip to hold it. I also have shoulder pain, and the less time I can spend with my arms over my head, the better. This tool is worth every penny." —Anonymous

    Get it from Amazon for $40+ (available in three colors).

    25. A programmable AC booster fan designed to increase and improve airflow from your HVAC systems. It has 10 speeds and can easily be mounted to your registers.

    a reviewer photo of the booster fan installed on a floor vent
    a reviewer photo of the booster fan installed on a wall vent with the cord hugging the doorway molding

    Promising review: "I have a room that is extremely hot in the spring and summer. With this product (and the task of temporarily closing vents in other rooms), I am able to bring the temp down 6 degrees in that hot room in just one hour without affecting the temp anywhere else! Awesome!!" —Denise Davis

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99 (available in white or bronze).

    26. A powerful Dreo oscillating tower fan whose six speeds will shoo the heat right out of your room. Not only does this bladeless fan operate super quietly, but it also comes with a remote so you don't have to leave your comfy spot to get even comfier.

    Promising review: "This is a very powerful fan. It definitely beats two previous fans that I had (both were different brands). I can't sleep without it. It may be a little loud for some when it's on one of the high settings, but I like white noise while I sleep. I run naturally hot and have fans in every room. I've replaced three of them so far with Dreo. It's my favorite fan." —Idontwanna

    Get it from Amazon for $79.99+ (available in two styles).

    27. Some deep-reaching, ergonomic "flossing toothbrushes" with dual-layered flossing bristles that are designed to get deep into the grooves of your teeth and gums. Though this shouldn't replace flossing, these toothbrushes can help rid your teeth of plaque and food residue. Plus, they're designed with those who have sensitive gums in mind.

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, specializing in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed for deeper cleans.

    Here's what writer Emma Lord has to say: "I love it just after the first few days of use! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively." 

    Promising review: "I'm amazed at how well this toothbrush cleans my teeth — it definitely gets between the teeth and also more importantly for me, gets in the small, deep crevices in my molars where I always have food stuck and regular toothbrushes couldn't get stuff out. I brush more often (after meals/snacks) because of how effective it is. As stated, definitely go easy around the gums. The bristles feel soft, but will cause your gums to bleed if you use regular pressure. Nice and easy does the trick, SO WELL!" —Jason A.

    Get a pair from Mouthwatchers on Amazon for $9.90 (also available as a four-pack). 

    28. A pack of biodegradable drain clog dissolvers if you use a lot of toilet paper or flushable wipes and they tend to back up your toilet. Just pour, wait, and flush! This also works on sinks and showers.

    Promising review: "I tried this product as a plumber told me it would not harm your pipes. My toilet was clogged, and I poured it in and let it sit overnight, and voilà; today it was cleared. I have used many products over the years, and this one guarantees that it works, and it really did." —Jill Goodman

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $23.73.

    29. The Pink Stuff cleaning paste because no sticky saucepans, streaky stainless steel, or gunked-up glass shall prosper against you or this versatile and easy-to-use cleaner. This paste has got you covered from your caked-on stove top to your dirty rain boots. It can even remove those colorful drawings your kids left on your white walls!

    reviewer image of a stainless steel sink half covered in dark stains and the other half completely clean
    reviewer before image of an oven covered in grease stains
    after image of the same oven now completely clean

    Promising reviews: "I have never seen my sink so clean! It removed the limescale with a regular wash cloth and a little scrubbing." —Cndrla

    "I need this in bulk!! I have tried so many cleaning solutions to get out hard cooking stains on my stove top, and nothing worked! This stuff took it right out without a problem!!" —Micaela Gunderson

    Get it from Amazon for $5.29.

    30. A pack of stain removal pads for getting rid of those pesky pet stains by simply setting the pad down and stepping on it. No scrubbing needed! They'll lift away even the most set-in stains!

    Promising review: “These things are AMAZING. They are magical. If you have a pet that has accidents in the house, these are a MUST-HAVE. After your pet has an accident, all you need to do is open up the packet, place the pad on the accident spot, and then step on the pad to release the magic formula. Leave it there for at least half an hour or up to 24 hours. Why the discrepancy, you might be asking? Because these pads work on DRIED STAINS! My puppy has been driving me bonkers with accidents in the house, but I don't sweat it anymore thanks to these pads. I will always have a supply of them in my house going forward.” —Lisa Koivu 

    Get 20 pads from Amazon for $27.49.

    31. A long-lasting mascara formulated to give you bold and intense lashes even *you* will think are falsies. Salon quality at a fraction of the cost? Yes, please!

    Promising review: "The best I’ve tried so far, and I used Dior, Tarte, Too Faced, you name it. I always have a problem with brand-new mascara because they have too much product on the brush, especially first few uses, and my lashes stick together. I didn’t have this problem with this one. I could layer it without any product starting to fall off or my lashes sticking together. And I love that they don’t test on animals." —Detti

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    32. A vegan and paraben-free self-tanner if you're simply too busy being an adult to waste time laying out in the sun just to get the glow you deserve. Get the tan of your dreams in just an hour!

    before and after images of a reviewer's pale skin becoming darker
    image of reviewer holding up spray can

    Promising review: "If you use St. Tropez tan products or any fake tanner, do yourself a favor and try this. This stuff is AWESOME. Dries quickly, lasts longer, does NOT make your skin stinky, applies evenly, and you get a fair amount of product!! Other tanners I’ve used become VERY noticeable when they start fading. Gross hand lines, patchy white spots, etc., but not this stuff. The best one-hour tan I have ever used!" —Amazon Customer 

    Get it from Amazon for $9.97+ (available in 12 shades).

    33. A coconut oil-rich leave-in cream you can let air dry for perfectly smooth and hydrated curls!

    Reviewer showing results of using OGX air-dry cream
    Reviewer after using OGX air-dry cream

    Promising review: "I'm so grateful that I found this product. My hair is wavy and frizzy. Every once in a great while, my waves resemble curls, but the frizz is always there. I've only used this product once so far, and I never want to be without it. I put some on after towel drying (no brushing) my hair, and my waves actually resembled curls! It wasn't instant, so I was skeptical, but after about 15 minutes, I caught a glimpse of my hair in the mirror, and I was amazed. It looked styled. I slept on it, and it still looked great in the morning!!!" —mich0610

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97.

    34. A bottle-emptying kit so you can get every last drop of that $$$ serum you treated yourself to. These reusable caps will help save you lots more $$$.

    Advertisement showing a hand using the Flip-It! bottle stand to dispense lotion, with labeled parts
    The tri-legged pop-top, screwed onto a conditioner pump bottle that's now turned upside down, and is balanced because of the top

    The kit comes with six adapters (to make them fit various bottle neck sizes) and six purple dispensing stands.

    Promising review: "This is such a great tool for using every last bit of product and reducing waste. We used this on a bottle of lotion that we thought was empty but got nearly six more months out of it when we put this on. We were shocked. I use this for my shampoo and anything else that I can think of." —Felishia Rae

    Get the kit from Amazon for $16.49 (available in smaller packs).

    35. A Shark Tank-famous bug bite suction tool for mosquito bite relief because you're excited about tank tops and short shorts but not the fact that you'll be exposed to some nasty bloodsuckers. It pretty much sucks the irritant out from under your skin so you can live an itch-free life.

    Promising review: "I am a magnet for bites of all kinds and carry topical and medicines with me at all times, so I figured this would be a good product to see if it really works. It arrived Monday and Tuesday morning. I woke up with a bug bite on my arm, so I used this little tool (three times per the instructions), and immediately after use, it stopped itching! Less than 24 hours later, the bite was gone! There is a very faint red mark from using the thing, but it's a small price to pay IMO. Bottom line: It’s awesome. I’m carrying it with me everywhere!" —Rebecca

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors).

    36. A fungal nail renewal formula if you've been living with thick, discolored, and brittle nails. This could improve the look of your nails in as little as two days!

    Promising review: "I tried EVERYTHING! I tried tree tea oil and various other products for years. Nothing worked. The reviews were so great on this that I decided to try to cure it one more time. But when you have had a condition for 35 years, you aren't too hopeful! I followed the suggestions of some of the reviewers and cut my toenails (I only had it on my big toes) everywhere that the fungus was present, even below the quick. I started applying this gel, which is super easy to use. I swear to you that I noticed a difference after one application." —WIAPilot 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.18.

    37. toenail brace set designed to help correct ingrown toenails without surgery. Reviewers say it helped get rid of the pain caused by their curved nails.

    The kit comes with 10 toenail braces and the materials needed to apply it, including a nail file, solvent, and cotton swabs.

    Promising review: "I never realized how curved my toenails were. I thought the pain I had was just normal and a fact of life. Only when I read about the Curve Correct product did I realize that I had a major problem, and it could be resolved! Now I'm on the way to normal, flat toenails that DON'T grow curved into my skin!" —Jamie H.

    Get it from Amazon for $44.99.

    38. A pack of two flexible dryer vent cleaners because there's likely a bunch of trapped lint causing your clothes to still come out kinda damp. Use this to get all that gunk out, which will also help to prevent dryer fires!

    Promising review: "I clean my dryer vent after every single use. I was shocked to see so much lint and dust come out! It was very simple to use, and it really works! I kept one for myself and gave the other to my daughter." —Shari Schmidt

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    39. An eyeliner stamp so you don't have to trial-and-error your way to the perfect cat-eye. This smudge-proof and waterproof formula will keep you looking fierce all day long.

    reviewer with a perfect cat eye
    image of the stamp eyeliner in a reviewer's hand

    Lovoir Beauty is a small biz based in New Zealand!

    Promising review: "I don’t wear makeup because I pretty much don’t know how to. I thought I’d give this a go because I have no skills and can’t do a cat-eye to save my life. But I was able to do this on the first try! I really thought it was going to take a while to get the hang of things, but it didn’t! Truly amazing, and it stays on all day and comes off easily! Love, love, love!" —Ilana

    Get it from Lovoir Beauty on Amazon for $14.98 (available in three sizes).

    40. A set of multipurpose dermaplaning razors if you're looking to exfoliate your skin while getting rid of peach fuzz. These are also perfect for shaping your brows when you don't have the time to individually pluck each hair.

    Reviewer using the tool to dermaplane their face
    another reviewer with peach fuzz on their face
    that same reviewer after using the tool with no hair on their face

    Promising review: "I suppose it's my hearty German peasant ancestry, but I've always been a hairy girl. Plucking the more egregious of the thick black hairs is required at least two to three times a week. I'd been eying these razors for a while and finally took the plunge. I could not believe how easy and quick it was. After a couple of swipes down my cheek, I noticed that it was done. I thought it was going to take a lot more skill and time. So much easier than tweezers and depilatories!! Wow." —Tara D.

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.94.

    41. A jetted tub cleaner scientifically engineered to get all the yuck from soap and body oil buildup out of your tub's jets in 15 minutes!

    reviewer holding up bottle of tub cleaner above their tub
    reviewer image of a jetted tub spewing out dirty foam

    Oh Yuk is a family-owned small business.

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh! You think your tub is clean, and then you see what comes out with this! I followed the directions (fill tub over jets, pour in cleaner, turn on jets), and almost immediately, disgusting residue shot out. And then, more came out as the formula had time to circulate. I'm so glad I got this cleaner instead of sitting in filth, especially because we just bought a new house, and I thought, 'Maybe I should try to find out if there is a special cleaner for these tubs.' Glad I did and can know my tub is cleaned out." —Aaron Johnson

    Get it from Oh Yuk on Amazon for $18.73.

    42. A dirty dishwasher indicator if you keep forgetting to turn the dishwasher magnet over to "dirty" and end up accidentally reaching for soiled utensils. This simple gadget sits inside your dishwasher and requires no effort or thought from you! If it's full of water, your dishes are clean. And if it's empty, your dishes are dirty.

    Dishwasher indicator sign showing

    Promising review: "I have been looking for a dishwasher done indicator to use on a stainless steel front (no magnets). This is the BOMB. NO moving parts. No flimsy clips. No tape, glue, or magnets. Simply slip it over the edge of the bottom basket, and you are good. The sturdy clip does not flex, so there is no wear and tear. The action of the washer fills up the tube. DONE. The first time you open the door after washing, tip out the tube, and you are ready again. Hooray...something that works." —MRMACHINE of Raleigh

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.