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19 Holiday Traditions Latinos Wait All Year For

Because eating delicious food is certainly a tradition. Merry Christmas, from Target!

1. Setting el nacimiento, and making it way more elaborate than the previous year.

2. Putting up the Christmas tree.

3. The posadas start, and fun comes in the form of swinging at the piñata.

4. Drinking ponche. So much ponche.

5. Or maybe enjoying some atole or champurrado.

6. Playing with sparklers.

7. Munching on some buñuelos if you get lucky.

8. Walking into your family's dinner like this on Christmas Eve:

9. And then seeing all your primos, primas, tíos ,and tías.

10. Eating the best food ever during Nochebuena.

11. Seriously, though. The. Best. Food.

12. And drinking some steamy and delicious hot chocolate at some point in the night.

13. Then perhaps enjoying some pozole...

14. ...feeling like your exit will resemble this:

15. BUT realizing there's always energy for dancing.

16. Making 12 wishes as you eat lucky grapes on New Year's Eve.

17. And looking like this when Día de Reyes comes:

18. Getting really excited if you get el niño en la rosca...

19. ...because, of course, that just means you'll be eating more tamales.