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8 Doodles That Easily Explain The Way Organic Farming Works

We know it can be confusing. We got your back. While you’re reading, enjoy an organic Suja Probiotic Water available at Target, filled with tons of goodies that’ll make your whole body smile.

1. How do farms keep their soil nice and fresh?

2. Do they do anything special with water?

3. Uh huh... And how do they get rid of gross bugs without using harsh chemicals?

4. How do these farms keep their waste output down?

5. I’ve heard of composting before. What does it actually do?

6. Do we have to worry about GMOs when buying organic?

7. How much food in America is grown this way?

8. Whoa, so is that why it can cost more than nonorganic?

Rest easy knowing that Suja water from Target is both organic AND closed loop!