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13 Days Of School We Could Hardly Contain Our Excitement For

They seem so long ago, but these days are NEVER forgotten. Target understands that every day at school is important for a child to succeed, which is why they are on track to give $1 billion to education by the end of 2015.

1. The first day of school!

2. Picture day!

3. Your birthday!

4. The science fair!

5. Pizza day!

6. Dodgeball day in gym class!

7. Valentine's Day!

Reasons Why It Was The Best Day Ever:

- You got to decorate an AMAZING "mailbox" to get all your valentines in.

- You felt the valentine cards you picked really represented your personality.

- You got a valentine from your crush (although they gave one to everyone in the class... but whatever, you knew yours was special).

8. Field Day!

9. Halloween!

10. Field trip!

11. Recital day!

12. Book fair day!

13. Show and tell day!