These Egg Shell Seed Starters Are The Best Way To Start A Garden

    And you're even reducing your waste at the same time. Adorable.

    Egg Shell Seed Starters

    Here's a video showing you how:

    Facebook: video.php

    Here's what you need:

    6 egg shells

    1 cardboard egg carton

    1 safety pin

    All-purpose potting soil

    Seeds of your choice


    1. After cracking your eggs for cooking, rinse the shells off in water to remove any egg residue.

    2. Pull away any residual membrane along the inside off each egg shell.

    3. Carefully use a safety pin to make a small hole in the bottom of each egg shell for drainage.

    3. Set the egg shells into the cardboard egg carton and fill each with ¾ tbsp of potting soil.

    4. Plant 2-3 seeds per egg shell and cover with a small layer of the soil.

    5. Water lightly and allow the seeds time to sprout (time varies between seeds). Make sure each plant gets the required amount of sunlight.

    6. Once sprouted, removed the egg shells from the cardboard container and plant in a planter box.

    7. Enjoy your garden!