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    21 Things Only Medical Students Will Understand

    Yup, there's no turning back!

    1. You become so obsessed with highlighters and pens in different hues and post-it notes in all shapes and colors!

    2. You get butterflies in your stomach when you get highlighters and pens as gifts

    3. ..And you get so pissed when your fave coffee shop gets featured online and then everyone starts to flock it's no longer "your" coffee shop.

    4. You can't seem to find time for your non-med friends because you gotta prioritize school.

    5. And they eventually get used to it, they wouldn't even bother asking you next time.

    6. And that one time you try to squeeze in a lunch date with them, you tell them that you can only stay for 2 hours max cause your transes await.

    7. Everyone assumes you're a genius when you're in med school.

    8. . You take your transes wherever you go and get judged (by your family!!!) for it.

    9. Wearing a stethoscope around your neck always made you feel so legit

    10. Your phone gallery is filled with: 70% patho specimen, 2% high-yield PPT slides and 28% quotes about not giving up.

    11. Your non-med friends come to you for diagnosis...and treatment.

    12. You can't function without your hourly caffeine fix.

    13. When you realize you've had too much and you tell yourself "I'm swearing off coffee for life!"

    14. You know very well the deleterious effects of lack of sleep on your physical and mental health but you yourself is sleep-deprived.

    15. You just suddenly and unwillingly turn into a full-blown granny who prefers sleeping on a Friday night.

    16. You try retail therapy to cope with stress

    17. ....and have study dates with your med bestfriends (who suffer the same shit as you do)

    18. That time you realize you're the only 20 year old something who still leeches off their parents while your non-med friends are already earning...

    19. Sometimes you get so frustrated and feel like crying but you don't cause it's a waste of time and you have to take an exam in 2 hours

    20. And as medical students, you know that you're still at the bottom of the food chain and still have a looooooooooooooong way to go to get to the top.

    21. You are going to feel like quitting. You are going to question and re-think your life decisions why it led to med school. But deep down you know that if this is what you really really want, it's gonna be worth it.