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    Pakistani Urdu Poetry

    Pakistani Urdu Poetry

    Pakistan is a nation reputed for its love for its tradition and family-oriented citizens. For this reason, poetry that speaks of love, passion, and religion is the life of many Pakistanis.

    Urdu, official language in Pakistan with English is the most widely used language throughout the country. Although there are other languages, most people in the urban area use Urdu. The collection of Islamic Sharia and literature are originally written in Urdu before other languages. Translations and interpretation of the Koran are also written in Urdu.

    The language thus has a great following, it is also used as official language in the regions of India. In reality, however, Urdu is in contract with Hindi.

    In poetry, the Urdu language sits first order for South Asia and has a traditional variety rich in poetic genres.

    Subjective poetry called Ghazal is written in Urdu. Popular poets such as Mir, Ghalib, Dagh, and Faiz all use Ghazal.

    On the narrative, for descriptive and didactic purposes, Nazm in Urdu is used.

    Masnavi, a variant of Urdu is used for romantic and religious poetry.

    Marsiya, on the other hand, is used to commemorate the martyrdom of the imam of danger Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

    Poets in Pakistani Urdu poetry can express their feelings through different forms of poetry. These forms are as follows:

    * Ghazal

    * Qasida

    * Masnavi

    * Marsiya

    * Nazm

    * Naat

    * Hamd

    * Munaqbat

    Ghazal:It is a good type of poetry for expressing your emotions; it could be the least of 5 couplets and maximum of 15 couplets. It's very popular among elders then younger ones.

    Qasida:This word is associated with Arabic and generally used for Islamic occasions. It entirely works with a specific theme, it is commonly written in 50 lines and lines rhymes with one another. At some point, it might surpass 50 lines.

    Masnavi:It is a really lengthy poem which usually comprises of 1000 of lines and in the vast majority of cases used to communicate romantic feelings. It is far from vital that Masnavi should be a romantic poem; it might be part of everyday life issues. Sauda and Mir write some Masnavi of this nature.

    Marsiya:It is definitely the poetry which usually explains the situation of the death of our much loved Hassan, Hussain and their families. It is usually recited in the first 10 days of Muharram.

    Nazm:It is an essential form of Urdu Poetry mainly because it works with all facets of life either it is relevant to philosophical pondering or national concerns or any other.

    Naat:It is a type of poetry that is recited in the compliment of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H.

    Hamd:The term Hamd is extracted from Quran Pak and the interpretation is Praise. It's the poem which was said in Praise of Allah.

    Munaqbat:It is a poetry that's been written in the compliment of any member from the family of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H.

    An example of Urdu poetry may be seen in the famous Ghalib work, which will compare it to its predecessor, Mir.

    Here it goes, I hope I did a good job in this translation,

    "You are not the only master of poetry O'Galib,
    They say, in the past, was also someone Mir. "

    That means a lot to poets in Pakistan. He tells them that the master will soon have new races to search for him.

    Urdu is a language that will give you understanding that love, religion, and tradition will give you a blessed future. You may only need to learn to love your predecessors and Urdu as language.

    Let us return to Urdu. It is sometimes called the language of the army because of its past. The term Urdu emanated from the Turkish word army or a tent. This word helped the Indians focus on the military because Urdu comes to abbreviate several languages. It makes them understood to some extent, without causing problems with other nationalities.

    Urdu remains spoken by the different countries. Thus, literature written in Urdu are easily applicable to other languages. He writes poetry in Urdu worthy of your time.