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10 Reasons Why We Should Be Thankful For Italians

This’ll make you want to hop on the next flight to Italy. Or save the money and try one of Talenti’s delicious flavors of gelato and sorbetto this summer.

1. For their adorable cars.

Too cute.

2. For making men's scarves very cool.

We can thank many for this, but the Italians definitely led the way.

3. For pizza.

Because it is REALLY important.

4. For their breathtaking architecture.

Italians definitely do not take their domes or flying buttresses lightly.

5. For encouraging a glass of wine and cheese plate around 4 p.m.

Apperitivo? Don't mind if we do.

6. For showing us the importance of living near your family.

7. For the Renaissance.

(Good work, guyz.)

8. For making long lunches perfectly acceptable.

9. For spaghetti alla carbonara.

Because Italians are geniuses for just mixing pancetta, cheese, and egg yolks.

10. And for teaching us how to be romantic and stuff.

And, of course, for gelato.