21 Vegetable Jokes That Are So Dumb They're Actually Hilarious

    Get a leek at these jokes.

    1. What did the cucumber say when he saw the plane?

    2. Why did the baba ganoush grow up big and strong?

    3. Why did the tomato get embarrassed?

    4. Which vegetable did Noah leave off the ark?

    5. What’s the coolest vegetable?

    6. What did the sweet potato say to the pumpkin?

    7. What do you call an angry pea?

    8. Why do fungi have to pay double bus fares?

    9. Which vegetable might you find in your basement?

    10. What is small, round, and giggles a lot?

    11. Which vegetable always shows up in the lost and found?

    12. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

    13. What is green and goes to a summer camp?

    14. What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato whilst on a family walk?

    15. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?

    16. Where did the broccoli go to have a few drinks?

    17. How do you turn soup into gold?

    18. What is a honeymoon salad?

    19. What do you call two rows of vegetables?

    20. Why did the tomato blush?

    21. What did the lettuce say to the celery?

    That's shallot!