26 Things All Girls Between The Ages Of 22-28 Know

    You know exactly which Spice Girl you are, for a start.

    1. Exactly which Spice Girl you are.

    2. How to do a Tipp-Ex manicure.

    3. Lindsay Lohan's entire filmography.

    4. How to tell Mary-Kate and Ashley apart.

    5. Every single lyric of the song "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield.

    6. The exact dance routine to the "Macarena".

    7. And the moves to "5-6-7-8".

    8. Exactly how to send a Furby to sleep.

    9. What joining the PEN club meant.

    10. How to compose "Scandalous" by Mis-Teeq on your Nokia 3310.

    11. How to make the Eiffel Tower out of a cat's cradle.

    12. The significance of being asked to slow dance to "Waterfalls" at the end of a school disco.

    13. How to customise your own Word Art so you wouldn't have to use the ready made fonts on your homework.

    14. Enough HTML to make your Myspace profile truly represent you as a person.

    15. Never to iron Tammy T Shirts unless you'd turned them inside out first.

    Those sassy slogans got really gloopy if you accidentally ironed them.

    16. That over-plucked eyebrows don't always grow back.

    17. The theme tune to Kerching.

    18. That no shoe in the history of the world has ever been, or will ever be, as comfy as an Ugg.

    And they go with everything.

    19. How to prank call your friend's parents.

    20. Quite how uncomfortable a thong is.

    It's a really good thing they went out of style after the '00s.

    21. How to fake tan without getting that webbed hand look.

    22. What "boy entrancers", "nuddy pants" and "red-bottomosity" mean.

    23. Never to touch the goo in a glitter jelly candle.

    24. How to win a round of "Dance Dance Revolution".

    25. How to make emoticon animals out of punctuation.

    26. And finally, exactly what you'd say in your Big Brother winner's interview with Davina.