19 Important Questions ‘00s Girls Have For Teens Today

    Do you worry that thick eyebrows will go out of fashion? Because sperm brows did and we didn't see that one coming.

    1. First things first: How come you're so well dressed?

    how teen celebs dressed when i was growing up vs how they dress now

    Teens are ~supposed~ to go through an awkward fashion stage, but you seem to have missed the memo.

    2. And how did you learn to do your make up so well?

    3. Do you appreciate how hard it was to take selfies in the '00s?

    4. Are you grateful that you don't have to carry both a phone and an iPod anymore?

    5. Do you find it weird that all we used to do on our phones was play Snake 2?

    6. And do you find it strange that we had to watch actual TV if we wanted to watch TV.

    7. Do these nails look bad to you?

    8. What about these jeans?

    9. And what do you make of these chunky highlights?

    10. Do you worry that really thick eyebrows will go out of fashion?

    11. When did you decide that lips were cool again?

    12. Can you imagine a time when going on the internet on your phone was the worst thing you could do?

    13. Is flirting really stressful now? Because we just had MSN and tbh that was stressful enough.

    14. And what about social media? That must be stressful.

    15. Does being a reality TV star still seem fun?

    16. Do you still use body spray?

    17. Could you just do us a favour and make these tracksuits cool again?

    18. Surely you don't hate Uggs?

    19. And finally, the main thing our parents said to us in the '00s was "you're not going out like that." But you've nailed appropriate clothing. So what do they say to you??