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    Women Who Suffer From Painful Periods Will Totally Get This.

    Periods can be pretty annoying. They're uncomfortable, inconvenient and you have to admit that they're a little gross. If you suffer from really painful ones, you're going to relate to this.

    Periods can be so painful for some women...

    First, there's the bleeding from your vagina. It can look like something out of a horror film.

    Then there are the menstrual cramps.

    Who else thinks it feels like little people are punching and twisting their way through your pelvis from the inside?

    Your boobs look bigger but that really doesn't matter, because they ache so much.

    Let's not forget the lower back pain. It feels like you've been trampled an elephant.

    The mood swings are THE WORST.

    ...and don't get me started on the FATIGUE!

    If you're extra lucky, you might experience some vomiting or diarrhoea.

    You may even be greeted by a killer migraine.

    Your periods are always so bad that you've considered getting pregnant, just to avoid them.

    In fact, you've even taken days off work or school, because the pain has been that agonising.

    It's okay though... You're not alone. There are millions of women across the world, suffering every single month. Just like you.