Here's Why You Should Have Known Jamie Foxx's Real Name

    We clearly don't talk about him being a triple threat enough.

    Sooooo apparently, there is a large pocket of people on this here planet Earth that have just discovered that Jamie Foxx's real name is not Jamie Foxx.

    Yo, am I the only one who thought Jamie Foxx real name was Jamie Foxx? 😭😭

    In the year of our Lord 2017.

    But this is THE Jamie Foxx we're talking about here. He's not new to Hollywood at all.

    Wait people really didn't know Jamie Foxx real name isn't Jamie Foxx? 😂's not like he's a new act he been around for decades now.

    The man is an award-winning triple threat. He's given us all so much over the past 25 years and you couldn't even be bothered to get to know him at all?

    Let's go ahead and literally count the reasons you are wrong for this.

    1. He gave us one of the best sitcoms of the '90s and 2000s.

    2. Not to mention the greatest sitcom wedding song of all time.

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    Fox / Via

    You're lying if you didn't get emotional when Jamie sang this song to Fancy on their wedding day.

    3. He then went on to star in more cult classics than I can even count. Anyone who tells you there's not at least ONE Jamie Foxx movie they love is someone not to be trusted.

    4. And because making us laugh for years wasn't enough, Foxx went on to deliver multiple Oscar-worthy dramatic performances.

    5. He even won the coveted Best Actor Academy Award in 2005 for his performance in Ray, which made him the third black man to do so.

    6. And because that wasn't enough, that SAME YEAR he dropped his double platinum, Grammy Award-winning album, Unpredictable.


    7. I meannnn, he got Ron Howard, Forest Whitaker, and Jake Gyllenhaal to be in a music video about alcohol.

    8. With Dreamgirls, he serenaded Beyoncé in movie theaters across these United States!

    9. He is a multi-talented entertainer who will give you comedy, vocals, and instrumentals live on stage whenever he feels like it because he can!

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    So I'm going to say this one last time: Give the Oscar-Grammy-Golden-Globe-SAG-NAACP-Critics'-Choice-BET-MTV-BAFTA-winning Jamie Foxx the respect he is due and remember his government name once and for all.