17 Things Only People With TMJ Will Understand

    *~LiVe LoVe LoCkJaW~*

    1. If you have TMJ, you DEFINITELY have a big ol' bottle of painkiller as your designated Purse Advil™.

    2. Your jaw ALWAYS!!!!! POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like so:

    3. Certain, uh...GIRTHIER foods just don't work well for you.

    i don’t think chipotle burritos help my TMJ

    4. Same goes for certain ~other things~:

    Heading to my first chiropractor appointment today for jaw pain/TMJ symptoms. While nervous, I still have a sense of humor: (not marked but left blank...)

    5. You sleep with a night guard so you don't grind your teeth, and you look FINE 👏 AS 👏 HELL 👏 in it!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Howevz, you have chewed through quite a few. ://///

    7. Like, you're constantly amazed at your jaw's f*cking Hulk-like strength while you're sleeping!!!!!!

    If only I held stress in my abs like I do in my jaw 😫 #tmjproblems

    8. Because of all the grinding, your teeth are sensitive — and I'm talking SEEEEEEEEEEEENSITIVE.

    me: wow i sure do love cold refreshing drinks and/or liquids! my teeth, about to get sensitive as all hell:

    9. So you swear by Sensodyne toothpaste!!!!!!!

    10. You hold foods you don't have to chew in high regard.

    I'm in love with foods like apple sauce just because I don't have to chew #toddlerstatus

    11. And you just wish that a chiropractor or whoever would massage and realign your jaw like THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Need a shawty to do this to me to relieve my TMJ pain

    12. Despite supposedly knowing about TMJ, dentists still don't seem to get that WE 👏 CANNOT 👏 OPEN 👏 OUR 👏 MOUTHS 👏 WIDER. 👏

    "Open wide...wider...wider" what part of I have TMJ do dentists not understand? #tmjprobs

    13. You've considered trying Botox, acupuncture, and other procedures done to relieve your TMJ symptoms.

    do you guys think i’ll get one of those cute bedazzled Botox tshirts if i just get jaw injections for my TMJ

    14. You've documented your TMJ struggles online for your fans:

    Sending people videos of my jaw dislocated and me crying @TMJprobs

    15. And there have DEFINITELY been a couple times where people have expressed ~interest~ in you, but at........inopportune times.

    Girl don’t send me no booty call, I already got my TMJ mouth guard in 🤒

    16. So, in conclusion:

    I'm not trying to complain (yes I am) but you would too if your jaw hurt 24/7

    17. And most importantly, this: