16 Reasons Why Ron Swanson Is The Best Character On "Parks And Recreation"

    “There has never been a sadness that can’t be cured by breakfast food.” - Ron Swanson

    1. He’s not afraid to point out the cold hard truth, like the time he explained what vodka is to Ben.

    2. He understands the value of and prioritises the finer things in life — like a good piece of steak and a glass of whiskey.

    3. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t appreciate the simple things that life has to offer.

    Ron Swanson explaining that he likes dark haired women and breakfast food

    4. He also stands firm with his beliefs on things he doesn’t like — anything to do with health and vegetables, and I think most of us can relate.

    5. He takes every new obstacle as a challenge and turns it into a profitable opportunity for himself, like the time he used his circular desk to swivel away from visitors.

    6. He’s a man who gets what he wants, by whatever means necessary, and lives by his own rules.

    Ron Swanson showing his permit which is just a paper with the words, ‘I can do what I want’ printed on it

    7. He’s not afraid to ask tough questions.

    Ron asking Ann what cholesterol is

    8. He knows the meaning of true love, or at least the only love that matters in this world — the love for food.

    Ron Swanson looking at the breakfast buffet sign.

    9. He’s a wise man, who even has his own interpretations of classic proverbs.

    10. He’s a mastermind who knows how to manipulate people with superior mind tricks.

    11. He’s a man who likes to be prepared for all kinds of disasters and keeps emergency necessities hidden in random places for when he might need them.

    12. He’s an adventurous man and always likes exploring the unknown — like the time he went to the supermarket.

    GIF of Ron Swanson observing people at the supermarket.

    13. He likes to stay in the know and keeps himself updated on the latest pop culture trends.

    14. He also likes to stay on top of current music trends.

    Ron Swanson listening to turkey calls thinking it is rap.

    15. He’s a man of great ambition, and knows exactly what he’s capable of achieving.

    Ron Swanson ordering a breakfast platter for one at a restaurant.

    16. And finally, he might be a department head and have a ton of important things to do, but he still has a childlike wonder to life and finds ways to keep things interesting.