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    Literally A Bunch Of Pictures Of Cats To Help Get You Through Today

    We live in a world where hurricanes and Donald Trump seem to be destroying everything in their path. Here are some kitties to help make everything a little bit better.

    We get it, the world is a scary place. It seems like every day you wake up and immediately want to crawl back into bed.

    And sometimes it’s hard to remember that not everything is terrible. It’s ok, we’re here for you.

    So sit back, relax, and look at some GIFs of cats to help get you through the day.

    Let’s start with this little guy who just really wants to hug all the pain away.

    And this munchkin who’s trying to look his best for you.

    Just look at this little kitten and his big, fluffy, pink piggy bed.

    And breathe.

    Today is going to be a good day! Look at how much fun this kitty is having - this could be you!

    You are strong and can face anything.

    So stretch those legs . . .

    And walk with your head held high.

    You’ve got this.

    Share this with someone who needs a little purr in their lives!