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11 Things You Can Do While Doing That Other Thing

You've got that thing to do. And a million other things. Here are some things you can do at the same time — brought to you by the Microsoft Surface 3.

1. Contemplate deep thoughts in the shower AND brush your teeth.

2. Play fetch with your dog AND do the dishes.

3. Warm up for your social footy game AND hit the clubs.

4. Head to university for lectures AND spend quality time with your cats.

5. Do a load of laundry AND practice your dance battle routine.

6. Get a haircut AND a nice little massage.

7. Read that really complicated book AND get a workout in.

8. Take up an extreme sport AND take your first steps.

9. Grab a coffee AND see some art.

10. Boogie board AND play some basketball.

11. Take a seat AND let your friends know their story was really cool.

For doing all the things — like learning, creating, and entertaining — the Microsoft Surface 3 lets you do it all.