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13 Reasons Those Hot "Supernatural" Brothers Can't Get Brunch With You

Typical. Not only are they hot, but those brothers from Supernatural always seem to be too "busy" for us. Find out if their excuses are legit by getting Season 8 on Blu-ray™, DVD, and download. (You probably won't get ahold of them otherwise.)

The Winchester brothers are all about having a good time.

But whenever you ask them to brunch, it's always like, "Can't. Just spent a year in purgatory, and I've got a lot going on right now."

They always draft up the perfect excuses, like...

1. "Sorry. Didn't hear the phone ring."

2. "Already ate."

3. "Feeling a little sick."

4. "On the road looking for the other half of that demon tablet thing to prevent the literal gates of Hell from opening..."

"But we definitely would be there if we were in town."

5. "We've got appointments with demons all morning."

6. "We're still cleaning up from that hellhound attack."

7. "We're getting coffee with our angel friend to talk about the destruction of Heaven and his reasons for trying to kill Dean."

8. "We have to reunite Zeus with Prometheus."

9. "So many demon appointments!"

10. "We might be stuck in a video game. Well, actually it's a nightmare. We mean, it's a video game inside of a nightmare. lol"

11. "We're just not doing carbs right now..."

"It looks delicious though!"

12. "Also, we have that Crossroads Demon mess... killing that hellhound... bathing in its blood..."

13. "Not to mention releasing that soul back into Heaven by the end of the day."

"But seriously, we really appreciate the invite."

"We wish our job didn't take up so much time."

"But heroes can't take weekends, you know?"

"Even for a special brunch with a special someone like you."