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11 Things You Never Thought You'd Hear Bryan Cranston Say

You never thought you'd hear them, but you'll be glad he's saying them.

This is Bryan Cranston and Titanium Rex. Say hi.

1. Titanium Rex, on the other hand, says things like, "These are my boner pills."

2. You never thought you'd hear him call someone out on their flatulence.

3. You never thought he'd share his somewhat graphic cooking techniques.

4. You never thought you'd hear him express his gratitude quite so...adamantly.

5. You never thought you'd hear him brag about banging his enemy's wife.

6. You never thought you'd hear him use this kind of language on an animal:

7. You never thought you'd hear him use the phrase "tap-dancing with my dick in my hand."

8. You never thought he'd put his own, erm, colorful spin on folk wisdom.

9. You never thought you'd hear him use "son of a bitch" in such an unorthodox way.

10. You never thought he'd be so sexually adventurous.

11. You never thought you'd hear him be a little...un-PC.

All Images Courtesy of Crackle

And that's basically just the first episode. Watch SuperMansion, now streaming, only on Crackle!