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    Things Only Holy Cow Employees Will Understand

    Hey... so because this is a Kosher restaurant, we don't allow outside food...

    1. When you're supposed to be the Mashgiach but the kitchen is already open.

    2. When you're trying to ask a customer if they want something on their account but they cut you off to tell you they have an account.

    3. When you're about to start dragging Holy Cow but realize that Sophie is sitting right next to you.

    4. When you spend half an hour thinking about what you want to order for your meal even though you know you're just going to end up getting chicken tenders.

    5. When you see Jeffery approaching the kiosk and there are children nearby.

    6. When you just finished perfectly stocking the drink machine and Martavious asks for the keys.

    7. When you drop the olives all over the inside of the fridge while trying to wrap up the sandwich station.

    8. When you make the perfect salad.

    9. The closing time for the grill when Scott's not there...

    10. ... vs the closing time for the grill when Scott is there.

    11. When the tourney begins.

    12. When you say you don't have fruit to get out of making a smoothie.

    13. When Ms. Bonnie comes.

    14. When Avi refuses to do your station.

    15. When the kitchen staff leaves their dishes in the dishwasher before you wash the kiosk dishes.

    16. When you find out about Gidon's secret family.

    17. When the Ben-Moshe kids come.

    18. When Grant tells you to ask the kitchen about the orders he's missing.

    19. When you see the Sacharins strolling towards the kiosk at 7:35.

    20. And finally, when Christina tells you we're closed on Sunday...