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Here's Why "Sunnyside" Is The Comedy To Watch In 2019

Welcome to your new favorite TV show!

Are you tired of boring TV shows that don't make you faint from laughing too hard?

Then you're gonna love Sunnyside, because it's AMAZING.

First of all, it was created by Mike Schur (the guy who created most of your already-favorite shows) so you already know it's gonna be GOOOOD.

Sunnyside follows Garrett (played by the one and only Kal Penn), a normal American dude who agrees to help a group of immigrants pass their US citizenship tests.

Each of Garrett's new friends comes with their own particular set of unique challenges.

And while he's teaching them how to find their way in America...

...while also holding onto their own cultural identities...

...he might also learn a thing or two about what it's like to be an immigrant in America today.

The show is insightful, inspiring, and gut-bustingly hilarious.

In short, it's the perfect comedy for 2019!

Images courtesy of NBC

Don't miss Sunnyside — Thursdays on NBC!

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