The Best Cat For Fall Has Been Found

    Her name is Blackberry and she is the reason for the season. Happy sweater weather!

    This is Blackberry.


    A series of photos of her glory has recently gotten 65k notes on Tumblr and been at the top of Reddit.

    In other words, BLACKBERRY IS A STAR.

    Not only is her black fur super-luxe...

    And her facial expressions perpetually hilarious...

    She is also HALLOWEEN THEMED!

    She has a sister who is named Autumn, also a heartbreaker.

    This is one of her humans (looking appropriately gothic).

    Blackberry is basically fall in cat form.

    She's practically got leaves falling off her.

    She is already thinking about what she's going to dress as on Oct. 31 this year.

    So as October approaches and the weather cools off...

    Remember the glory of Blackberry.


    Not that she would be easy to forget.