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25 Photos That Will Simply Restore Your Faith In Humanity

You definitely need this!

1. Meet "The Chosen One".

2. Thank you, Terry Fox!

3. Good guy Steve from Blue's Clues.

4. And good guy Tony Hawk. A true legend.

5. Here's nature's very own jam doughnut.

6. The only right way to take a bath.

7. Isn't this the perfect date?

8. How To Get A Cat : 101.

9. This made me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy on the inside.

10. This special delivery.

11. We need more neighbours like these.

12. And these sweet neighbours.

13. I think my faith in humanity has successfully been restored.

14. I can't help but cry.

15. This just made me bawl.

16. *Cries uncontrollably*

17. She has to be the most adorable girlfriend, ever!

18. Here's a reminder:

19. This cute anecdote.

20. She sounds so genuine!

21. This incredibly thoughtful act.

22. Metallica being wholesome.

23. This person has certainly found a keeper.

24. The magic of the "Clean Up" song.

25. And finally, Jeff, the hero.