12 Female-Led Indian Brands You Should Definitely Support This International Women's Day

    How am I supposed to stop myself from clicking "Add to cart"?

    This International Women's Day, we at BuzzFeed wish to support and celebrate some fantastic beauty, home decor, books, fashion, and food brands that are led by amazing Indian women. These women deserve more love for their hard work everyday, but especially on this special day!

    *This, by no means, is an exhaustive list.

    1. BlissClub

    2. FAE Beauty

    3. Asa

    4. Monsoon Harvest

    5. Slurrp Farm

    6. Kiro Beauty

    7. The Tribe Concepts

    8. Zubaan Books

    9. Tan & Loom

    10. Skionn Apparels / Simbaa Lifestyle

    11. Artchetype Studio

    12. Whispering Flames

    Which ones did we miss? Feel free to share some of your favourite women-led brands in the comments!

    Oh and also check this post about more female-owned brands out!