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13 Expectations Vs Realities Of You On A Sick Day

*double-texts everyone out of boredom* Make your sick day a little more tolerable and help fend off that head cold with Sudafed.

1. Expectation: Binge-watch that crazy popular TV show you've been lying about watching.

2. Expectation: Your boss trusts you and tells you to take as much time as you need.

3. Expectation: You have a nice, long bath to decongest.

4. Expectation: Feel comfortable with the fact you're taking the time to rest and let your body heal.

5. Expectation: Shut off from social media all day and get some damned peace, finally.

6. Expectation: Cook yourself really nice food because you actually have time for once.

7. Expectation: Finally get around to reading that book everyone's talking about.

8. Expectation: Spend the entire day wrapped up in warm, cosy blankets.

9. Expectation: Your friends/S.O./mum come round to take care of you and listen to you complain.

10. Expectation: Your house will stay tidy because you'll be too weak to do anything that makes a mess.

11. Expectation: Live out your dream of doing nothing all day.

12. Expectation: Treat yourself with your favourite junk food or takeaway for dinner because you totally deserve it.

New weight loss program!! Acquire the flu and you're guaranteed to lose 7 lbs and your sanity

Reality: Your appetite is dead.

13. Expectation: Feel relieved when your illness finally starts to go away.

Sick days: amazing in theory, not quite so great in reality. Use Sudafed to try to kick the cold symptoms and get back to your normal self.

Sudafed Congestion & Headache Relief Max Strength. Always read the label.