Paid Post

12 Desk Lunches That Will Make You Weep Tears Of Sympathy

Tired of crying onto your keyboard? It's time to #SaveLunchBreak with SUBWAY®.

1. This visual definition of the words "soggy" and "sad":

2. This horrible frozen meal which someone actually added ketchup to 😓:

3. This single plain potato:

4. This frozen mush with a side of plain plastic-covered cucumber:

5. Ugh, this:

6. This paper plate nightmare:

7. This sadness which even cookies can't save:

8. This depressing all-red disaster 😕:

9. This gross glob:

10. What even is this?

11. This sorry cliché:

12. And this:

It's time to #SaveLunchBreak! Take up the cause and leave the office for a fresh, delicious sandwich from SUBWAY®.