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12 Sunsets That Prove The Golden Hour Is The Bestest Hour

Day ends, evening begins — and all is right with the world. Take in the sunset with a Strongbow Hard Cider over ice and let your night unfold.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, the sun will always make its descent. What better way to kick off the night than with earth's natural beauty?

1. In the city.

2. In the country.

3. Over a lake.

4. On the sea.

5. By the sea.

6. After a long day of sightseeing.

7. After an equally long day of staring at a screen at work.

8. In your backyard.

9. At a concert.

10. When it's so cold you wonder whether the snow will ever melt.

11. When it's so hot you wonder how long before you melt.

12. And when you're just hanging out, anywhere, with the greatest company in the world.

Enjoying the sunset with your friends is the best. Add Strongbow Hard Cider over ice and the Golden Hour will officially be the bestest.

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