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    Hungary's "White Utopia" - And An Even More Extreme Version

    When a Hungarian village declared anti-Muslim by laws we thought that was extreme, until the Mime Utopia was revealed...

    On the 7th February BBC News reported on the Hungarian village of Asotthalom. The mayor of the town had recently passed some by-laws banning the wearing of Muslim dress and the call to prayer. "We primarily welcome people from western Europe - people who wouldn't like to live in a multicultural society," Laszlo Toroczkai told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme.

    A British comedy channel then produced a parody of the news story, by claiming that a "Mime Utopia" had been established. It's a shot-for-shot remake of the original report, including hilarious translation of the villagers' miming.

    The original story's producers are fans of the parody...

    CLEVER: Here's our original 'white utopia' report and here's @TurtleCanyonCom 's version

    Victoria Derbyshire / Via Twitter: @vicderbyshire

    This comedy group have parodied our story about a 'White Utopia' in Hungary.....welcome to 'Mime Utopia' >

    Catrin Nye / Via Twitter: @CatrinNye

    Mime Utopia - the spoof video

    View this video on YouTube