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    Shawn Weera

    Once I was walking and saw a kitten,picked him up standing Pat(I just have no pet and do it.) Where the 10 minutes was stroked.And next the man stands,looking at me.I think what to do.Ran away from him.It fits and looks.I got scared,ran off with the kitten forward.The man also running.Fell,lies and yells " Girl,you'll be a long time my Dasha squeeze?"I laughed saying,"She's definitely yours?".He says:"Yes, that's the only pet shop that I bought my daughter a birthday."I gave up and said,"Sorry,not convenient work,bye"and went.He grabbed me and said,"do you Have a pet?"I say"No".He's getting me a kitten in his hands and says"here take it.Go buy another daughter" and went.It was at first scary then funny,and then happily) we Have to change, boys stick your finger through pants,running around and pointing fingers at everything and everyone.And one day someone got the teacher in inglish,it's in English sent and called the parents of a kid in school)

    we Have to change, boys stick your finger through pants,running around and pointing fingers at everything and everyone.

    And one day someone got the teacher in inglish,it's in English sent and called the parents of a kid in school)