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    Telling Other People About Your Skin Condition

    If you have a skin condition then you may have noticed strangers looking at your skin or encountered people who are worried about catching it. Some people have even experienced unfair treatment due to their skin condition, such as one mother who was recently asked to leave a flight because the crew were worried that she might have a contagious disease.

    Why Talk About Your Skin Condition?

    Raising awareness about skin conditions is important. It can help people to recognise when they have a problem that requires a dermatologist. It can also ensure that other people are more understanding about these conditions. People can be very rude about visible health problems or may be frightened when they see someone with a rash in case it is contagious. The more we talk about skin problems, the more people will understand them.

    It can be particularly important to tell the people closest to us about our skin problems so that they can support us when we need it. You might encounter people who are rude or uncaring, but there will also be people who are glad to listen and offer support when you need it.

    Talking About Your Skin Condition

    When you are in a situation where you want to tell people about your skin condition, it can be helpful to prepare what you want to say in advance. The key points you might want to cover are:

    •The name of your skin condition
    •What causes it (this is a common question as many people will worry that it could be contagious)
    •How it affects you, including the emotional impact and how you feel about the condition as well as the visible and physical symptoms
    •If there is anything they can do to help, for example by keeping allergens away from you or providing support in the workplace

    You can cover the basics about your condition in just a few sentences or go into more detail if you want. Talking to people about your skin condition can actually make you feel more confident and it can feel very freeing if you’ve been avoiding the subject. When the people you’re close to understand what’s happening, it can also enable them to be more supportive and understanding if you need to avoid certain tasks at work, cancel your plans, or arrange time off for doctor’s appointments.

    Don’t Feel Obliged to Teach People

    It can be helpful to let the people in your life know what’s going on, but it isn’t your responsibility to educate strangers. If you encounter a curious child who asks about your skin then you might want to help them understand your condition. If you meet someone who stares at your skin or makes rude comments, then you might want to point out that they’re being impolite. However, you aren’t under any obligation to explain your condition or to teach people better manners. You shouldn’t have to worry about other people’s prejudices or to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your skin. It’s up to you whether you want to talk about your skin.