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    Someone Made A Donald Trump Dildo Game Because Of Course They Did

    Comrade Drumpf’s Epic Dildo Smackdown is a thing now, complete with “Steve Bannon, the fascist scrotum slug”

    You read the news everyday. You see the national embarrassment that is the Trump administration. You fear for your friends and neighbors. You wish you could do something about it. You may even wish you could… beat up Donald Trump with a dildo.

    Well, now you can. At least on your computer. Because someone made Comrade Drumpf’s Epic Dildo Smackdown, a fighter game in which you attack Donald Trump (“Comrade Drumpf”) with a dildo.

    The game allows you to pick from several players, including what appears to be a Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline protester, a national park ranger, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, a member of the Syrian Civil Defense (made famous in the documentary “The White Helmets"), a Latin American migrant, and a women’s reproductive care provider.

    You also get to pick your opponent. The choices include “Comrade Drumpf”, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Betsy DeVos, Richard Spencer, and Steve Bannon.

    Opponents have personalized attacks. For example, Paul Ryan takes away your healthcare, Betsy DeVos re-segregates public schools, and Pence “gives you AIDs”- a reference to the HIV outbreak caused by Pence’s public funding cuts and opposition to safe needle exchanges.

    I tried the game, and it’s pretty great. I actually found the end-of-round scenes more amusing than the gameplay itself. It’s a simple game, but overall, hilarious.

    According to the website, the makers of the game will split up the proceeds and donate portions to several charities (the game, with free future updates and expansions, costs $20). They are taking suggestions for charities from buyers.

    Watch the trailer here:

    View this video on YouTube

    The game can be found at