The Guys From "Worth" It Sampled Some Of The Best Bacon In Their Entire Lives

    Not all bacon is created equal.

    When it comes to bacon, you can't really go wrong, amirite?

    And that's where Steven and Andrew come in as they welcome you to Season 4 of "Worth It."

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    First, they hit up Cheeky's in Palm Springs, California, where owner Tara Lazar told them all about their bacon flights, where they pick five different flavors and switch them up every week.

    She said they bake almost all of their bacon because it's the most even way of creating the perfect slice.

    It was time to taste all the goodness, including the miso butter and rosemary sugar bacon. Yep.

    It was safe to say that Cheeky's bacon flight was a huge success with the dudes.

    Their next stop was at Manuela in downtown Los Angeles, where they would sample one helluva good-looking BLT.

    They cure their bacon in-house with salt, sugar, and maple syrup for about five days, and then smoke it for about three hours.

    Since the BLT is a very simple but tasty sandwich, Truong said that they really wanted to make the bacon shine.

    Both Andrew and Steven were instant fans. They were so impressed, Steven even apologized for saying that bacon was overrated earlier.

    Oh, and Adam approved of Manuela's BLT, too.

    Their last bacon stop took them to Belly at the Gansevoort Market in New York City, where they experienced a multi-course bacon menu.

    Executive Chef Johnny Wooh explained that he serves omakase style.

    They kicked things off with bacon sushi, which was absolutely delicious.

    Then they indulged in some bacon carpaccio, which they both thought was soft and luscious. So good!

    Then they tried something resembling a taco that had brie cheese and grapes, which made it a rather good combination.

    They rounded things off with some delicious pasta, and a dumpling that gave Steven a wave of nostalgia.

    At the end of their cross-country bacon-tasting extravaganza, Andrew's "Worth It" choice was Manuela, while Steven's was Cheeky's.

    You can also stream "Worth It" episodes on YouTube, Amazon, and Hulu!