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    How To Get Your Boss To Give You A Little More

    Trying to get a little more out of your boss? Here’s a few ways to go about it.


    Sometimes it can be hard to get much out of your boss – more pay, more annual leave, less work… But if you have been at your workplace over two years, have performed well and haven’t received any bonus/pay increase, you may be feeling that you need to address the issue with your employer.

    Of course, it might not be that you’re after money. You may want a bigger desk, a better working space, an air con system fitted in your room, or simply an extra day off. Whatever it is, you should approach the subject in a certain way.

    You know your boss best

    Firstly, you know your boss best. You know how well they respond to different subjects so pick your communication channel – would it be easier to lay out your thoughts in an email? Do they respond well if you go and see them in their office?

    Discuss with other employees if you can

    If it is private, you may not want to discuss this with other employees but if it is something you can share, do so. You may get some advice out of them. After all, they may have done something similar in the past and could have some tips to pass on.

    Don’t be over-ambitious

    It’s all well and good wanting a pay rise, but you really need to set your expectations at a realistic level. Think about whether the amount you’re asking is obtainable or not. If you’re not after money, but simply want more perks in the office, perhaps you could get other colleagues to put their name to the suggestion too, so your boss feels like it is a collective effort to come and talk to them with this idea.

    Have a plan

    For instance, you could ask if you could have a ‘dress down Friday’ – but also state that if any important meetings are taking place that day with customers, that staff are aware they need to remain smart. Think of all the options and have a plan, so your boss knows it’s well thought-out and that you’ve got everything covered. Try and include statistics or research if you can. As an example, state that if your employer regularly purchased fruit from a fruit delivery service, he/she could see productivity levels improve as staff have access to fruit as snacks and not unhealthy chocolate/crisps.

    Taking Fruitful Office as an example, you could quote from their website, which says that companies that offer health and well-being support to their employees are likely to benefit from increased job commitment as well as better staff retention. They also say that a UK survey revealed that 87% of staff would rather be employed by a company that offers health and well-being support. Additionally, over 80% of our clients told them in the survey that following the introduction of fruit in the office “Quality of life in the office” improved. What great stats to present your boss – how could they refuse?

    Get the timing right

    Moneymanagement says that timing is everything when asking your boss for something. They say there are certain times when your company’s finances are tighter than others, and there are times when the budget is more receptive to change. So, be sure to consider your employer’s financial outlook when planning to ask for a raise.

    Don’t be shy

    Those who ask don’t get – so be sure to pluck up the courage to ask for your employee benefits/salary increases without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.