I Challenged Myself To Write A Whole Book In One Month And I Totally Did It

    Story of my life.

    Do you know anyone who's written a book? Because it's definitely no small feat.

    Watch this woman take on the challenge of writing a novel in a month!

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    Just ask Steph Cozza, who admits to not finishing most things she starts. So she set a goal to finish a book in just 30 days.

    She had her outline ready to go, and she had a pretty good idea of what her story would be about. Let's do this!

    By the second day, she had written over 8,000 words! She was on a roll.

    BUT...a week into her challenge, Steph was struggling.

    On day nine, she noticed she had significantly slowed down in her writing process, and it was getting difficult to even hit 1,000 words a day. Doh!

    After what she described as a very long time of excruciating writer's block, she hit a huge milestone on day 16.

    Then once she got past the mid-month hump, there was a lot of slacking.

    Then Steph didn't write for a week. Because Thanksgiving and hanging out with her family "got in the way." LOL!

    She was at the home stretch, had written just over 40,000 words, and was determined to finish, dammit.

    And on the last day of the challenge...she did it!

    She was so glad she decided to challenge herself, because this proved to be an incredible experience, and also surprisingly fun.

    Now, Steph is going to go through what she wrote, get herself an editor and an agent, and maybe we'll see this baby on bookshelves.