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We Asked 3 Homeowners The Important Questions About The Process Of Finding A Home

Whether you’re settling into your first fixer-upper or thinking about a larger home for your growing family, check out the State Farm® Personal Price Plan™.

These days, the road to finding a home is filled with twists and turns.

Since the process can be different for everyone, we asked homeowners Andrea, Teri, and Jana about their perspective on the house-hunting process and here's what they shared.


A key ring with a home keychain on a wooden surface

How did you know you were ready to start the home-buying process?

A paper cutout of a family next to a miniature model house and stack of coins

Did you have a certain type of approach during your search?

A real estate agent shows a young couple the interior of a home

What was a priority for you in your search (location, commute, size, move-in ready)?

A couple looks at a computer screen in deep thought

Was there anything you found daunting during or after you found a home you liked?

Two home inspectors evaluate the exterior of a home

What was the first room you decided to make “yours” after moving in?

A modern bedroom with plants and throw pillows and rustic decor

What is one thing you wish you knew before starting your search for a home or moving into a new home?

A person holds a calculator while another person looks over a home contract

Imagery from Getty.

House-hunting and homeownership come in all shapes and sizes. Confidently plan your next move with State Farm®.