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    10 Mom Moments That Turn You Into Regina George

    Why are you so obsessed with me?

    1. When someone asks you why you're still in your maternity jeans months after giving birth.

    2. When you're breastfeeding and always hungry. It's for the baby too, right?

    3. When you just want a bit of me time.

    4. When your baby's first word is "daddy."

    5. When you just finished cleaning up and your child makes a mess 5 minutes later.

    6. When your child keeps calling you every 2 minutes. Mom? Mom? Mooooom!

    7. When you've successfully sleep trained your child.

    8. When your baby decides to poop just when you're all set to leave the house.

    9. When your child launches into a full-fledged meltdown in public.

    10. When a total stranger is telling you how you should parent your own child.