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11 Juicy World Records You Can Break Right Now

Records so mouthwateringly attainable, it's a mystery how they've stood so long. But some things we may never know, like how Starburst got so unexplainably juicy.

1. Supposedly, nobody has ever kissed seven strangers' dogs in one hour.

2. Apparently, nobody has licked more than 70 stamps in one minute.

3. Allegedly, nobody has ever taken a shower in 32 seconds or fewer.

4. Supposedly, nobody has ever built a stack of doughnuts higher than 3.7 feet tall.

5. Apparently, nobody has ever high-fived 2,200 people in one hour.

6. Allegedly, nobody has ever balanced an upside-down shoe on their head for longer than two hours.

7. Nobody has ever received more than 55 kisses in 30 seconds.

8. And it seems as if no one has ever gargled orange juice for 21 seconds.

9. It seems that nobody has ever worn 18 sports jerseys at once.

10. Allegedly, nobody has ever caught more than 12 pizza snacks in their mouth consecutively.

11. Supposedly, nobody has ever bounced 33 ping-pong balls into a pint glass in one minute.

So tantalizingly simple to break, yet still inexplicably unbroken.

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It's a big world full of small, juicy mysteries, just like how Starburst got so unexplainably juicy.

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