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14 Situations That Are YAAASS-Worthy

The most basic things in life deserve a "yes." But then there are the truly sensational moments that need something more. Starbucks Frappuccino® blended beverage will have you saying "YAAASS" all summer long.

1. When you lose your wallet in a cab, only to have it returned anonymously with everything still inside.

2. Having no one in the middle seat next to you on a plane.

3. Somehow managing not to get a sunburn even though you minimally applied sunscreen.

4. When you go to Costco and EVERY SINGLE AISLE has free samples. #freemeal

5. When the bartender gives you and your friends a free round of drinks for no good reason.

6. When you wake up and your hair is in exactly the right place. #iwokeuplikethis

7. That moment where you finally fit into your old jeans after months of exercising.

8. When you snag the last two beach chairs for you and your BFF — on a crowded Saturday, no less!

9. When a song comes on at "da club," and you know all the words. Like what?!

10. Pulling up to a parking meter, only to realize there's still money on it!

11. When you get your tax refund earlier than expected AND for more than you expected.

12. When you no longer have to choose between your two favorite things on the menu, because they come as a combo plate.

13. When your crush sends you a surprise text... and you thought they didn't even know you existed.

14. When your boss tells you that you've been doing an amazing job after a really tough week.