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    Thoughts Every Graduate Has After Uni

    Being a new graduate I thought that I would put together a sort of list of the thoughts I’ve had since everyone else has gone back to uni in the last few weeks. It does take some getting used to getting out of student habits! by Emma James, Staffordshire University graduate

    1. Freshers FOMO

    2. How to adult

    3. I miss my friends

    4. Can I go back?

    There have been times when I think 'why didn't I do a masters and have one more year at uni', because I do miss parts of the student lifestyle.

    Not having to get up every day and having a nap whenever I want is great, but I also think that it was time to leave.

    I had originally planned to stay in Stoke this year and work for the Sentinel, but I got a different job and had to move, so I think that's why I'm thinking about going back more than maybe other people.

    But I know that my other graduate friends occasionally think about going back and just having one more year.

    Realistically though I really enjoy my job, its great and I wouldn't change it to go back to university, except maybe the cheap part of it…

    5. Why is everything so expensive?

    6. Three years was so worth it.