I Don't Know About You But Ranveer Singh Has Had A Fucking Intense Day

    I want his life.

    Hey all you peeps probably stuck in traffic right now, listen. You may have had a typical Tuesday but guess who didn't AF; our potential best friend and lover Ranveer Singh. Let me take you through this.

    First, he went to a highly expensive club that he's obviously a member of, to start the day with football. Though he seemed like a rando practising ball control all by himself, he wasn't. The other people weren't important enough to be photographed.

    Then, his day got 15248696 times better because he won that goddamn game. Victory was his. He was the champion, my friend.

    After the eventful game, Ranveer walked into a sea of paparazzi. It was then he began this 🔥 trend where one can wear leggings with shorts and look sexayyy.

    @Everyone who is like "these aren't leggings, you're basic, it's ~activewear~", I don't care for people like you.

    But I digress. So, after Ranveer was like "wassup homies" with the paps, this man with a neck tattoo that read "Baba" caught his eye. Ranveer proceeded to put all the well-deserved spotlight on to that tattoo.

    Here's a closer look at the tat. We assume that it was either dedicated to Ranveer or Arjun Kapoor or Sanjay Dutt, but no confirmed reports on the case have released yet.

    Moving on, there were some good cops hanging around as Ranveer was exiting the club, so in true play-it-by-the-ear spirit, he decided to take some profile pic-worthy shots with them.

    In order to let the good poses start rolling, Ranveer got the clichéd "salute" ones outta the way. The good cop was chuffed.

    BUT THEN in signature gone-too-far Ranveer style, he planted a wet one on the cop's cheek who in turn looked weirdly gratified.

    This guy in the back tho, questioned the privilege of rich celebs who get away with such shenanigans on the daily.*

    Back to Revving It Up With Ranveer Singh™, the megastar single-handedly engineered this cool, new, masterful paparazzi pose. It's nothing like you've ever seen before.

    I'm not sure when, how or at what time but Ranveer's day went for a DRAMATIC toss. He tweeted about getting stung by a bee and being introduced to whole new world of pain. He channeled that pain to make this unforgettable pun:

    To anyone who suddenly feels like listening to the original...

    View this video on YouTube


    You're welcome.

    And Ranveer brought an end to this highly eventful and tumultuous day with this tweet.