Just A Reminder That Priyanka Chopra Pulled Off Some Terrible Fashion Choices In Her Life

    Good thing she's Priyanka Chopra, the flawless goddess of everything.

    It's a well-known fact that Priyanka Chopra's general fashion aesthetic been nothing but i c o n i c.

    She makes the red carpet game her bitch every single time she steps on one and I can supply enough proof of that.

    Seriously, this woman is an unstoppable force of fashun.

    But like every glamzon, Queen Pri made some questionable fashion decisions before truly coming into her own as a professional slayer of red carpets.

    1. She and she alone could make sense of this ridiculous excuse for a sari.

    2. She probably won't wear a bandhani dupatta as appropriate swimwear anymore.

    3. She won't wear glass bangles with a bikini no more.

    4. She seemed to have a weird fascination with wearing tunic shirts and tees with mini skirts...

    5. And if god is kind, she'll never go back to that phase in her life.

    6. She moved on from the hideous combo that was pleated denim skirts and leggings.

    7. She's finally figured out how to look "casual" without getting into unflattering tube rompers.

    8. She, in all likelihood, now knows how to look edgy without wearing a movie poster masquerading as a gown.

    9. She's learnt about the right amount of sequins on one person the hard way.

    10. She's survived whatever this was.

    11. She has had an intense moment with fringes and managed to kill it regardless.

    12. Most of all, Priyanka has learned how to pick better faux wrap tees that don't require unmatched camisoles peeking out of them, which is an eternal win.

    I'm just glad that all those outfits are in the past and Priyanka has promoted herself to queen of style in the present.