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11 Thoughts Only Samsung Galaxy Users Will Understand

Answer the call to get the BEST devices at the BEST prices at Sprint.

1. "Charger? I haven't heard that name in hours."

2. "Well, I guess I'm the photographer of the group now."

3. "Go big or go use another phone."

4. "What's the passcode? Oh, right. My irises."

5. "Let's take it slow."

6. "My emoji is having a great hair day."

7. "Yes, I have green text bubbles. And they look great in Quad HD+ resolution."

8. "Jo ech verstinn. That's 'Yes, I understand' in Luxembourgish."

9. "Turn it up and let the Dolby Atmos speaker do its thing."

10. "Yes, my phone is waterproof. No, I won't dunk it in the toilet to show you."

11. "You'd stare at your phone all day if it looked like this too."

Sprint has the BEST prices on the BEST devices! Get the Samsung Galaxy S9, which has reimagined the camera and made even more of your phone fantasies come true.