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15 Texts Every University Student Is Familiar With

The struggle is real. Make #realstudentproblems a bit less problematic with the help of an SPC Card — you'll save at your fave retailers!

1. When you just can't stay focused, but also can't abandon your phone:

2. When this NIGHTMARE happens:

3. When your roomie tries a classic yet unfruitful bribe:

4. When your mom sends mail notifications:

5. When final exams have got you slightly delusional:

6. When you get those 3 a.m. texts that make no sense:

7. When you can't leave your bed, no matter how responsible you promised yourself you'd be:

8. When your parents let you know they're enjoying quality time with the family pet:

9. When your roomie has bad timing. And you're having even worse food:

10. When you realize how much you love poutine:

11. When your mom wants to make sure you are OK:

12. When you have a job on top of going to university:

13. When people want to avoid reality of all costs:

14. When your day gets 1,000 times better suddenly:

15. And when life isn't cooperating:

Uni life is hard — rely on an SPC Card to make things easier. You get all sorts of cool benefits, like discounts on your favourite brands!