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    Top Challenges Facing Donald Trump Ahead Of The 2020 Election

    Donald Trump has had a torrid winter at the White House. He didn’t manage to achieve much with his high-stakes government shutdown and then the eventual back down. What it did do was antagonize his allies, damage his poll numbers and disappoint loyal supporters of his multi-billion Mexico border wall. The wheels of bureaucracy have begun to turn once again temporary, but Donald Trump’s opponents have been emboldened by the record budget crisis because they believe they had quite a big win. As the 2020 election campaign draws nearer, there are some big challenges that the Trump administration has to deal with. Some of the top ones are:

    A New House held by Democrats

    The new US House of Representatives will now become a constant thorn in the side of the US President. In the midterms in November, the Democrats were able to win control and the power of the subpoena is going to be their biggest prize. Veteran insider Nancy Pelosi is now leading them and they now have the power of compelling witnesses to cooperate with the numerous investigations they are setting up. The purpose? Put constant pressure on the President. Chris Garcia, a former official of the Trump administration’s Commerce department, said that this was essentially presidential harassment.

    Patti Solis Doyle, a Democratic strategist, saw it a bit differently. The former advisor to Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden said stated that it was about putting in checks and balances as proper oversight and scrutiny is needed by the administration. Nonetheless, the Democrats have considerable material to work with. The President’s tax returns, his past financial dealings and payments made to women who claimed to have an affair with him are just some of the areas to be examined.

    The Democrats will also examine some controversial decisions such as the separation of asylum seeking families. In fact, his children, Don Jr and Ivanka may also be forced to appear before Congress.

    The Mueller Inquiry

    Despite their clashes with the Congress, a number of previous presidents have survived and even thrived politically. The biggest unknown for Donald Trump and his friends is the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections. You can read more in this regard at There has been ongoing speculation and Acting Attorney-General, Matthew Whitaker, has even said on-the-record that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election is near completion.

    Like Mr. Garcia, other supporters of the President has declared it ridiculous to suggest that Mr. Trump worked with Moscow for winning the election or that he will be ensnared in the eventual report. Mr. Garcia stated that if that were to happen, the news would have leaked already. He added that by the time of the 2020 elections, the voters would forget about it. But, this seems rather dubious. So far, Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Paul Manafort, his former campaign director, Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer and Roger Stone, his long-time informal adviser, have been caught up. It is also believed that the President’s son-in-law and son are under the microscope because they had a meeting in the Trump Tower with a Kremlin-linked lawyer.

    Mr. Garcia said that it was yet to be seen as to how these meetings led to collusion or influenced the American people to cast their votes in favor of Donald Trump.


    The topic of impeachment has moved from the margins and become more mainstream as the Russia probe seems to be nearing its conclusion. Ms. Solis Doyle stated that if Bob Mueller presented concrete evidence that crimes were committed by the President, it would become the duty of the Congress to impeach him. Some newly elected Democrats stirred controversy when they demanded that the President be impeached soon. The first Palestinian-American to be elected into Congress, Rashida Tlaib, reportedly expressed her views by using impolite language. As a result, some right-wing cable news hosts were outraged.

    However, most democrats and the party leaders are willing to bide their time. The Senate is controlled by the Republicans, which means that unless there is hard evidence, it is highly unlikely that Trump would be convicted if he were put on trial. There is also the possibility that impeachment proceedings would end up backfiring for the Democrats. There are some in Washington who believe that even wavering Republicans would galvanize behind the President if that were to happen. Ms. Solis Doyle said that they would prefer to beat him in the elections because they don’t want anyone crying foul later on.

    Those who are observing American politics should fasten on their seatbelts. A diverse, large and growing field of Democratic contenders are keen on running against Donald Trump in the 2020 elections campaign, especially with controversy surrounding the existing President.