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    How To Become An Authority As A Writer

    New to your business, as a writer, or in your industry? This article gives you some advice on how to become an authority in your field.

    How to become an Authority as a Writer

    I came across an article I penned at the start of my writing career, my first book was about to be published and I was just starting my platform. I was at the muddle through a phase, which I’m sure we never really get out of if we’re honest. What is the muddle through phase? It’s that time in your life where you really have no idea what you’re doing, but somehow you move forward and get your legs.

    When we first begin our platform, whether it is your writers, business, blog platform, it is a daunting task. Who am I? What do I want my readers to learn from me? Do I really have anything interesting to tell them?

    I’m Here to Tell You That You Do

    Seems I Hadn’t Yet Found My Author’s Voice

    Work From What You Know

    Find your footing – what vast knowledge do you have? Start there.

    Be Real, Be Transparent

    I once went to an intimate in-home concert with some Grammy winners I’d idolized most of my adult life. Only around thirty people were in attendance and what struck me was that these guys were real, they were honest, they were transparent. Immediately, I knew this is how you connect with your audience. They didn’t hide behind their name, they shared raw details of their life.

    If You Don’t Know the Answer, Look It Up

    Almost every question can be answered among the internet’s invisible walls. (I speak from experience.) BUT remember not everything on the internet is TRUE. (I speak from experience.)

    Treat Others with Professionalism

    Courtesy goes a long way in anything. We’ve all watched someone get too big for their britches, and a fall from grace soon follows.

    Never Talk Down to Your Audience

    Make Your Opinion Count for Something

    But remember, your opinion is just that, your opinion.

    Be Humble

    (No one, repeat, no one likes a know it all!)

    Keep Learning

    Always learn something new

    It Takes Time

    Don’t rush it, but ease into it, like your favorite stretchy pants. They’ll fit.