29 Grooming Issues Indian Girls Understand All Too Well

    We've all been there, ladies.

    1. Not having your eyebrows thick enough.

    2. Or having them be so thick that you have to thread them every three weeks.

    3. Trying to get the perfect eyebrow arch but end up looking like a surprised Disney villain.

    4. Bleeding when you cut yourself while shaving but continuing anyway because you're too lazy to find a band-aid.

    5. Getting an emergency threading for your upper-lip before you go on a date.

    6. Succumbing to societal pressure and stabbing your eyes with contacts.

    7. And crying every time you insert them.

    8. Then crying again when you wake up after sleeping with them STILL ON.

    9. Having to deal with the fact that you have way shorter hair than you asked for.

    10. Rolling your eyes at the parlour lady when she complains about how you don’t have enough body hair because excessive waxing ruined your hair growth.

    11. And rolling your eyes again when she asks if you have shaved.

    12. Using yoghurt, besan, and turmeric outside of the kitchen i.e. ON YOUR FACE.

    13. Only shaving till the knee when you're in a rush.

    14. When the parlour aunty hits the super ticklish spot under your foot during your pedicure.

    15. Falling for absolutely useless offers for OXY EXTRA WHITE NO LION HAIR bleach at the parlour.

    16. Using only one red lipstick even though you own more than you could afford.

    17. Being afraid to have anyone see you when you have oil in your hair.

    18. When one or two strands of hair are left on your eyebrow but you can’t be arsed to tell the parlour aunty that.

    19. Accidentally giving yourself a black eye when you rub your eyes but forget about the mascara.

    20. Running your hands through your hair sexily and having it get stuck in your chipped nail.

    21. Dealing with the agony of your nail polish chipping a day later, while your toenail polish stays on till the end of time.

    22. Going to the beach and dealing with a set of disappointments including sand everywhere and beach frizz.

    23. Experimenting with a new face pack and wondering if the burning sensation is normal.

    24. Suddenly having shaky hands when you need to put on that winged liner.

    25. Dealing with greyface or orangeface because makeup companies are shit at making foundation for your skin tone.

    26. Being betrayed by lipstick when you drink anything from a glass or cup.

    27. Watching your comb run through an obstacle course of knots and hairfall when you run it through your hair.

    28. Ignoring your neck when you run out of face pack.

    29. Hating yourself for shaving pubes when your crotch is on fire the next day.