Europeans Have Just Discovered Miswak, And Are Selling The "Revolutionary" Toothbrush For £3.90

    Someone please stop this.

    The West has often borrowed a lot of trends in health and food, right from ghee, haldi doodh, and even dandiya workouts.

    A Czech company named Yoni recently posted a video about a "revolutionary" new product called the Raw Toothbrush, full of ~ minerals and vitamins ~.

    It has so many benefits!!!!

    It even has its own little test tube to be carried around in.

    However, like most revolutionary ideas people have had of late, this idea too comes from a tradition many across the world, especially Indians, have stuck to for thousands of years — a miswak twig.

    Of course, people immediately started calling them out for waking up a few thousand years late to the benefits of using miswak.

    When will this stop?!