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The 20 Most Australian Hashtags Ever

#Aussie, #Aussie, #Aussie. Here are the most ocker hashtags of all time, and the Aussie people (and brands) who know exactly how to use them. Presented by Social Media Week Sydney.

1. #FullySickMate

2. #VegemiteToast

3. #Diggers

4. #KoalaCrossing

5. #AnzacBikkies

6. #FlatWhitePlease

7. #RamsayStreet

8. #SummerBay

9. #Yew

10. #BudgieSmugglers

11. #BloodyRipper

12. #SnagsOnTheBarbie

13. #FairDinkum

Plus we've got some great value Aussie Roaming Packs for all customers coming your way soon - stay tuned! #fairdinkum

NZ brand 2degrees Mobile used Twitter to let customers know about some #fairdinkum Aussie deals.

14. #StateOfOrigin

15. #HolyDooley

16. #TellHimHesDreaming

17. #HowsTheSerenity

18. #Bondi

19. #YoureTerribleMuriel

20. And of course, #AussieBattler