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11 People Told Us What Helps Motivate Them On Their Path To Wellness

With Smoothie King, you'll have a delicious motivator to help you along on the path to health and wellness!

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what motivates them on their wellness journey, and here's what they shared.

1. Simply living your best, well-rounded life.

2. Reflecting on the important things.

"I'm obsessed with my bullet journal. I created a page that tracks my mood, a page where I log something I am grateful for each day, and a page where I dump all my thoughts. It's been incredible to track my mental state and to go back and reflect."

—Clark M.

3. Constantly challenging yourself to rise higher.

4. Finding comfort in your own skin.

"What motivates me: to feel more energized, to be stronger, and to feel more comfortable and happy with the skin that I'm in."


5. Being a healthy example for your little ones.

6. Taking a few mindful minutes to yourself to reset and realign.

"I grew up in a family who believed in practicing meditation every day, but as a youngster I didn't really get it. After speaking with my parents during a mentally foggy time for me, they reminded me of the different methods of meditation that could help. As time went on, I felt my head clearing and noticed an improvement in my mood and realized that taking the time to remove yourself from a situation can truly affect your state of mind."

—Jasmin S.

7. Setting small goals within a larger routine.

8. Creating a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

"I wake up, meditate, make smoothie bowls for my little one and I. We go on walks together, and it’s just an overall good time with him. He makes it fun to be healthy, and it keeps me calm and levelheaded throughout the day."


9. Using organization and tracking as a form of creative expression.

10. Setting your eyes on a long-term career goal.

"What motivates me is the ability to be able to join the Army National Guard. It has been a long-term goal, and every healthy choice gets me one step closer."


11. Switching up your lifestyle for a greater cause.

Additional imagery from iStock.

Whatever inspires you to kick-start or continue your wellness journey, Smoothie King's Cleaner Blending is here so you can feel great inside and out.