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Red, White, & Blue Gelatin Shots

Here comes an amazing festive treat for your holiday get together!

Red, White, & Blue Gelatin Shots


Servings: 45 shots

Blue layer:

1 package blue raspberry-flavored gelatin

1 cup boiling water

½ cup cold water

½ cup Smirnoff Red, White & Berry Vodka

Red layer:

1 package cherry-flavored gelatin

1 cup boiling water

½ cup cold water

½ cup Smirnoff Red, White & Berry Vodka

Whipped cream, for topping


1. In a bowl, pour boiling water over blue raspberry gelatin powder, and stir until the powder has fully dissolved.

2. Stir in the cold water, and then the Smirnoff Red, White & Berry Vodka.

3. Pour the mixture into greased silicone ice cube trays, filling each ONLY halfway.

4. Using a shot glass for support, prop up the trays so that the liquid rests in a diagonal.

5. Refrigerate for 3 hours, or until the gelatin has set.

6. Repeat steps 1 & 2 with the cherry-flavored gelatin package.

7. Remove the shot glasses from underneath the silicone trays, ensuring the tray

lays flat.

8. Using a spoon, add the cherry gelatin mixture to fill up the trays the rest of the way.

9. Refrigerate to set for another 3 hours.

10. To loosen the shots from the mold, run a toothpick around the edge.

11. Flip the mold over and shake to release the shots from the mold.

12. Top shots with whipped cream and festive sprinkles.

13. Serve immediately & enjoy!